Srinagar To Doodhpathri Taxi Fare


To get Doodhpathri from Srinagar hire a private can or shared cab that will drop you to the Doodhpathri. Srinagar to Doodhpathri taxi fare depends on the cab service you want to choose. Both places are popular travel destinations in Jammu and Kashmir. In this article, we will discuss all the details regarding the taxi rates from Srinagar to Doodhpathri Kashmir . The taxi rates from Srinagar to Doodhpathri start from 3500 for the luxurious cabs. For shared cabs, you will be charged less than the private cabs. Doodhpathri can be reached only by road from Srinagar. You can either drive your vehicle or rent a private cab to reach Doodhpathri.

Doodhpathri is one of the best offbeat and picturesque destinations to enjoy holidays. The journey from Srinagar to Doodhpathri is beautiful experience itself. You will experience the lush green meadows, dense forests, and gushing water streams through the countryside. The road conditions from Srinagar to Doodhpathri are well-maintained. One can enjoy many activities such as picnics, horse riding, and trekking. The Lush green meadows offer an excellent spot for setting up a picnic, and horse riding is a unique way to explore the entire valley. If you are an adventure enthusiast, many trekking trails can lead to higher reaches. These higher reaches offer breathtaking views of the highest Himalayan passes.

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Srinagar to Doodhpathri Taxi Fare

After you arrive at the Jammu Tawi Station or Jammu Airport, our taxi will be ready to take you to your accommodation like your hotel or guesthouse. We can start the trip by going to various tourist places that you have in mind. It is totally up to you. Once we conclude the trip, we will drop you back at the station or airport. We have provided you prices in the table below:

Taxi Name Rate Per Day
Sedan 2800
Innova 3500
Crysta 4200
Tempo 12 5500

A Brief Information About Doodhpathri

Distance From Srinagar To Doodhpathi

The distance from Srinagar to Doodhpathri in Jammu and Kashmir is approximately 42 kilometers by road. The travel distance can vary depending on the specific route taken and the road conditions, it is advisable to check the current map or navigation app for accurate information before you plan the journey. The drive from Srinagar to Doodhpathri will take you around 2 hours to reach the final destinations. One can hire a taxi service in Srinagar to reach the final destination.

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Srinagar To Doodhpathri By Bus

To travel from Srinagar to Doodhpathri by bus firstly you have to reach the Srinagar bus stand where buses to Doodhpathri may operate and you can inquire about the buses that go from Srinagar to Doodhpathri. You can take your bus from the Batamaloo bus stand.

The journey from Srinagar to Doodhpathri is known for its scenic beauty and you will see the picturesque landscapes and the gorgeous Himalayan region. The bus will drop you to the Doodhpathri bus station or a nearby place. From there you can explore the entire Doodhpathri valley and its natural beauty. 

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Srinagar To Doodhpathri Taxi Fare By Cab

Srinagar to Doodhpathri by cab is one of the easiest ways to go to Doodhpathri. The cab charges starts from the 3500, you will feel comfortable and the luxurious way of getting involved in the natural beauty. This is the most common way to enjoy its breathings views during the drive. Doodhpathri is one of the best offbeat destinations to spend holidays.

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In Conclusion, the taxi rates from Srinagar to Doodhpathri depends on what type of cab and the services you want. The taxi rate from Srinagar to Doodhpathri starts from 3500 for a private cab. Therefore, the place can only be reached by road and you can take a bus or cab from Srinagar to reach Doodhpathri.

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