Kashmir In December


There is no better moment to visit Kashmir than right now if you must. Kashmir is at its most beautiful from December through February, and even after that.

Kashmir in December is the start of winter. It is in this month that snow fall starts across Kashmir. The winter tourist flow starts, and the winter activities pick up the pace. If you want to see snow and at the same time do not want chilling cold then December is the perfect time for you to visit Kashmir.India is blessed to have Kashmir, which is a stunning location. Kashmir, where places like Gulmarg, Pahalgam, Sonmarg, and Srinagar are all cast in the snow, appears to be the most beautiful place in the world. In Kashmir, snow covers the entire valley in December.

In Kashmir, the paradise on Earth, in December, there are a plethora of activities to do. The Kashmir Trip in December is a romantic outing. Spend your Christmas and New Year in the snowy landscapes of Kashmir. December is the start of the cold months, and Kashmir is at its most breathtakingly mesmerizing during this time. And it is during this month that you have the opportunity to partake in a variety of winter activities and spend an unforgettable vacation here.

Kashmir is simply a snow wonderland in the winter, especially around December. By making the trip there is entirely rewarding. What makes December the best month to visit Kashmir is the winter activities, snow-clad landscape and tasting of local cuisines.

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Places To Visit In Kashmir In December

When the snow covers popular tourist destinations like Gulmarg, Sonmarg, Pahalgam, and Srinagar in December, Kashmir takes on an extra unique quality. While the busy daily life in Kashmir comes to an end in December, the breathtaking vistas of the snow-covered landscape are thronged by tourists. Here is the list of best places to visit in Kashmir in December this year to get the best of winter experience. Visit all these tourist places in Kashmir with the comfortable ride through: Kashmir Taxi Service.


On the list of places to visit in Kashmir in December, Srinagar ranks among the first destinations to visit Kashmir. The Kashmir Valley’s Srinagar is one of the greatest places to visit in Kashmir in December. Srinagar is situated on the banks of the Jhelum River. With the Dal Lake mostly frozen over, breathtaking vistas of the surrounding mountains, and occasional snowfall, Srinagar transforms into a true winter wonderland throughout December.

You can do a lot in Srinagar in December, from taking the well-known shikara ride over the Dal Lake to engaging in adventurous pursuits like climbing and birdwatching or simply indulging in mouthwatering native cuisine, dry fruits, and other delicacies.

Read here: Best time to visit Kashmir


Gulmarg Kashmir, a charming hill town and skiing resort in the Baramulla region of Jammu and Kashmir is at the top of the list of locations that you absolutely must visit in Kashmir during December. The hill town, also known as the Meadow of Flowers, is draped in heavy blankets of snow throughout December, creating a breathtaking scene.

The famous skiing and snowboarding place in Kashmir is Gulmarg. In addition to regularly experiencing snowfall in this location, you can also take pleasure in other sports like mountain biking, trekking, skiing, and some of the best gondola rides over the valley, or you may gaze at the snow-capped mountains from Gulmarg. A stay in one of the many lovely resorts or cottages available here is another great way to enjoy the winter.

Book the best treks of Kashmir: Kashmir Great Lakes Trek | Tarsar Marsar Trek


Pahalgam, which lies in the Anantnag region of Jammu and Kashmir, is frequently referred to as the embodiment of heaven on earth. It is well-known for its deep pine, fir, oak, and deodar forests, which are flecked with the snow that falls from the sky in December.

Additionally, December adds beauty to the area’s already gorgeous lakes, which become covered in a coating of frost, and the flower-filled meadows, which take on the appearance of a huge white desert. The small town of Pahalgam transforms into one of the ideal places to enjoy isolation and tranquility, as a result of the peace and tranquility of the winter season.

Read here about: Kashmir Trip Cost


Sonmarg, also known as the Meadow of Gold, is another of the greatest places to visit in Kashmir in December. It is home to some of the best trekking trails in the area, many of which receive several inches of snowfall during this month.

Until recently, Sonmarg was remained closed for winter months. However, from last few years Sonmarg is open across the year. In December the best place to see in Sonmarg is Thajwas Glacier and Zero Point.

The views of Sonmarg in December are magnificent with the entire terrain covered in beautiful white snow and the customary snowfall giving even more charm to the location. You may have a unique camping experience amidst the snow, close to the crystal-clear frozen lakes and rivers that run through Sonmarg, to enhance your experience of being there.

Read here complete details on: Kashmir Trip Plan


A charming village, Pulwama is around 40 km from Srinagar and is where you may experience the greatest of nature’s marvels.

In the chilly month of December, the comfortable homes and cottages, aromatic saffron fields, and apple orchards are still covered in snow. However, the snow-covered valleys and woodlands, as well as several rushing waterfalls that are partially frozen, are still present. You may engage in a variety of adventure sports in Pulwama in December, including skiing, snowboarding, mountaineering, and trekking.

Book the offbeat tour: Gurez Valley

Aru Valley

Another excellent place to visit in Kashmir in December is Aru Valley. The Aru Valley , which is about 12 km from Pahalgam and surrounded by snow-capped Himalayan peaks, is the starting point for many treks in the region, including those to Tarsar Lake and Kolahoi Glacier.

The entire valley, which is home to the Aru River, is covered in snow in December, making it a breathtaking sight to see. In December, you can go trekking as well as hiking, horseback riding, and other adventurous activities in Aru Valley. Aru Valley is the best due to its sloping hillside, ice places in the lakes and rivers, and snow-covered meadows.


Yusmarg, one of the wonderful spots to visit in Kashmir in December is this well-known tourist destination, which displays its splendour among the azure rivers and mountains. Visitors are drawn to see it while traveling because of its beautiful nature and heartwarming vistas.

The majestic Doodhganga River flows through the valley, accompanied by the impressive Pir Panjal Mountains. The “Meadow of Jesus” is so named because many people think that Jesus Christ strolled through it once, back in his glory days. Additionally, seeing famous relics like Charar-e-Sharief and Sang-e-Safed will be worthwhile if you want to explore more of Kashmir’s top tourist attractions.


It is one of the top tourist destinations in Kashmir to visit in December because of the lush meadows and freshwater springs there. This divine location’s essence will provide you with both the convenience of the city and the peace of the countryside. It is one of the top locations to view in Kashmir and is located 53 kilometers from the capital city. You may unwind, rest, and savor every aspect of this magnificent landscape.

The three streams of Brengi, Sandran, and Arapath will illuminate your journey unlike anything else, even though it continues to be covered in breathtaking views all around. You will be astounded by the breathtaking grandeur of the tall mountain peaks and the sightseeing options upon your arrival. Among the locations we suggest are Verinag and Daksun.

Kashmir Trip In December

December is also the ideal month for Kashmir owing to its accessibility. All the major tourist places are accessible in December. So you can have a smooth journey without any road blockades etc.

The Kashmir Trip in December is a romantic outing. Spend your Christmas and New Year in the snowy landscapes of Kashmir. A lot of tourists visit in December for winter activities. You can take part in the Kashmir winter carnival which happens here every year. Athletes from all over the country come to participate in different winter snowy activities like skiing, ice skating, snowboarding, etc. You can enjoy all of the winter carnival with Cliffhangers Kashmir Tour in December Packages.

The best among all the places to visit in December is Gulmarg. It has got quite an impressive winter infrastructure and the facilities like electricity, mobile network, etc.

Things To Do In Kashmir In December

Gondola Ride In Gulmarg

As the Gulmarg gondola transports you from to the Apharwat Top in December, you get the chance to travel through the seasonal clouds. All around you are beautiful snow filled landscape. You get to see the panoramic view of Pir Panjal Mountain Range.

You can go even higher on a chair lift from Kondoori to Mary Shoulder for an even more adrenaline-filled experience.

Shikara Ride

Shikara ride is famously done in either dal lake or nigeen lake. This is the most romantic activity you can do in Kashmir. As the snow falls and you row the boat in the lakes, the experience is for a lifetime. 

You can visit the market inside the dal lake or nigeen lake in December by shikara. Enjoy the sunset in the evening while sipping the hot kehwa in shikara. The cost for shikara is hourly based, depending upon how many hours you will be is the shikara, the cost will be accordingly. The general cost for shikara is 700 per hour.

Pony Ride At Pahalgam

Pony rides in Pahalgam are perhaps another of the top things to do in Kashmir in December. Ponies are a prominent means of transportation in Kashmir’s valleys and they provide the greatest vehicles for exploring the valleys and the surrounding natural areas.

Numerous locations in Pahalgam are not normally reachable by motorized transportation. Therefore, pony rides are ideal in these locations. In addition, pony rides are also available while hiking through the valley’s highlands, and they are very affordable.

Golf Course

One of the nicest things to do in Kashmir in December is to visit some its best golf course. There are three main golf courses in Kashmir. They are located at Srinagar, Gulmarg and Pahalgam. A round of golf here is sure to be thrilling, especially with the recently fallen snow covering the remainder of the valley and surroundings. It boasts the largest 18-hole courses in the world.

You may also unwind and take in the breathtaking views after a game of golf with your friends and family thanks to the forests and alpine mountains that surround the course.

Heritage Walk In Srinagar

Heritage Walk in Srinagar may do a lot more on the history walk in addition to visiting Srinagar’s lovely Mughal gardens and learning about the various architectural types.

This involves touring historic buildings like the Pathar Masjid, Shah Hamdan, Shalimar, and Nishat Bagh, which boast 370 pillars built entirely of maple tree wood, the Jamia Masjid, and others. You will have the opportunity to explore the local markets, which date back centuries while doing the heritage walk. 

Fishing And Angling In Kashmir

You may go fishing and angling in Kashmir, which is frequently referred to as an angler’s paradise. There are some of the world’s most unusual fish species in these glacial and snow-fed streams and rivers, including the Rainbow Trout and German Brown Trout.

Fishing is also fantastic in locations like Vishansar Lake, Gangabal Lake, and others where you can experience catching fish in chilly waters. Along with fishing in high-altitude lakes, you can also enjoy it in rivers like the Lidder, Sindh, and Dal lakes. 

Adventure Activities To Do In Kashmir In December


Skiing in Gulmarg is one of the most daring activities you can perform in Kashmir. This is a popular is a popular destination for skiing across the snow-capped icy slopes and alpine forests all around. Kashmir is home to several snow-covered valleys and hills. The slopes of Gulmarg, Aru Valley, and Sonamarg, among others, are some of the best spots in Kashmir to go skiing.

Every year tourists from all over India and all over the globe visit Kashmir to enjoy winter sports activities such as skiing, snowboarding, heli-skiing, etc. Skiing gives you a physical and mental boost while sailing through the buttery snow. Thus, why not extract the highest satisfaction from such activities which gives you an adrenaline rush?

Book the winter adventure: Skiing in Gulmarg


This fantastic adventurous activity is also available in Kashmir. You have the opportunity to experience flying through the air like a bird and take in breathtaking views of the valleys and mountains in well-known locations like Harwan, Gulmarg, and Sonamarg.


No trip to Kashmir is complete without participating in some form of hiking since the valleys, meadows, and mountains serve as ideal locations for such journeys. In Kashmir, you can go on treks to high-altitude alpine lakes, such as Alpather Lake Trek and Chadar Trek.

The best winter trek in Kashmir is Marchoi Trek. Enoy this trek which gives you the thrill of walking in snow through the pristine snow landscape of Kashmir valley. The trek is easy to moderate and is a summit trek with the highest altitude of 3200m. The trek starts from Nararag.

Ice Skating

Ice skating is an experience that combines the joy of gliding on ice with the majesty of the Himalayas. From beginners finding their footing to seasoned skaters showcasing their skills, Kashmir offers an idyllic playground for all. With spectacular surroundings, this winter wonderland promises an unforgettable adventure. So, lace up your skates, feel the crisp mountain air against your face.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a first-time skater, Kashmir caters to all skill levels. Novices can take advantage of expert instructors who provide lessons to help you find your balance and master the basics. Skating novices soon find their footing and start exploring the endless possibilities on the ice.

Essential Information

How to Reach Kashmir In December

In December, Kashmir receives snowfall. It mostly receives the heavy snowfall towards the end of December. However, in the upper reaches, mountain tops the snow accumulates from early December.

All the places in Kashmir are accessible in December. You have multiple ways to reach Kashmir in December. Here are the most used ways.  

By Air: Kashmir is directly connected to the rest of the world via an airport at Srinagar. Take a flight to Srinagar and every day you have direct flights from Delhi to Srinagar. 

By Railway: Kashmir has no railway station that is connected to the rest of the country. You will have to come to Jammu Railway station and from there get a shared cab or bus to reach Srinagar. 

By Road: From anywhere in India, you can come by road to Kashmir. It has good road connectivity. There are daily direct cabs and buses that go from Delhi to Srinagar or from Jammu to Srinagar.  Once you reach Srinagar book taxi service in Srinagar that will drop you any destination in Kashmir.

What To Wear In Kashmir In December

Kashmir experiences substantial snowfall and chilly weather in December, thus it is advisable to pack warm gear such as caps, coats, pullovers, warmers, down jacket, sweaters, and other accessories. To protect your possessions, including cash and other travel necessities like electronics and gadgets, you should also carry a waterproof bag, water-resistant boots, and water-resistant outerwear. Another crucial item you should take is a shawl, which can keep you warm and protect you from the wind and snow when you’re traveling to Kashmir.

Kashmir often has snowfall with wind chills of 10°C and daytime highs of 21°C in December. Kashmir can experience foggy mornings and nighttime lows of 1°C in December, but the afternoons are typically warm. The monthly average temperature in Kashmir ranges between 7-8°C.

In December, when popular tourist locations like Gulmarg, Sonamarg, Pahalgam, and Srinagar are entirely covered with snow, Kashmir acquires an additional special charm.

A Kashmir trip is offered in December by Cliffhangers, one of Jammu & Kashmir’s top tour operators. Contact us if you want a customized Kashmir tour in December.

Is Kashmir Safe For Travelers In December?

Yes, it is absolutely safe for tourists to travel to Kashmir in December. Such locations as Pahalgam, Gulmarg, and Srinagar are accessible through travel. These areas have a different look in the winter.

There are still many sights to view in Kashmir in December, even though you won’t be able to get to some locations due to the heavy snowfall in such areas. Therefore, you shouldn’t be concerned about your safety if you go to Kashmir in December.

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Tips To Visit Kashmir In December

Warm Clothing: In December, Kashmir is a cold place. Pack your warm clothes like thermal wear, sweaters, down jackets, gloves, and a woolen hat. Also, insulated and waterproof boots are essential. You can get the snow boots on rent in Gulmarg.

Accommodation: Kashmir receives most of the flow of tourists in December for Gulmarg. And it is a relatively expensive ski resort. You must book the hotels well in advance to avoid overpricing. And most of the hotels are sold out for winter before December. Make sure you get the confirmation of your stay either from your hotel or from your travel agent. 

Transportation: There are some roads that get a bit trickier in December because of Snow. Like the road from Pahalgam to Aru and when it snows heavily, your normal sightseeing cab won’t be able to go. You will have to change your cab here and get into a 4 * 4 vehicle. 

Local Guidelines: Check the local guidelines and rules, especially if you plan to engage in winter sports. Follow safety instructions provided by instructors if you’re a beginner in activities like skiing.

Health Precautions: Before indulging in any winter activity like Skiing or Snowboarding, come a day earlier to acclimatize to the altitude and cold. Get the basic medicine with you. There is a health centre of government inside every tourist place.  

Photography: Don’t forget your camera! Keep your smart phoney handy. Kashmir’s winter landscapes in December are stunning, and you’ll want to capture the beauty of the snow-covered mountains and trees.

Activities: Apart from Skiing and snowboarding, try some amazing experiences like a snowmobile, ATV ride, shikara ride, pony ride, or ice skating, if you are adventurous. Also don’t forget to visit Igloo Cafe via taking Gondola Ride.


Since December is the start of the winter in Kashmir, there are some places where you will witness the best snow landscape. The best among all the places is to visit Gulmarg and enjoy a gondola ride there. The next on the list is Pahalgam to enjoy the breathtaking relaxing days in December. Visit Sonamarg and enjoy the snowmobile ride in the Thjwas Glacier.
The Skiing and snowmobile rides are the best activities you can do in Kashmir in December. Apart from these two, enjoy the gondola ride in Gulmarg, the Pony ride in Pahalgam, and the Shikarar ride in Dal Lake.
December is the best time to visit Kashmir if you are looking for snowy mountains. As December starts, Kashmir receives snow and gets covered in all-white. The valley looks extremely beautiful in the month of December. Its landscape is other worldly and looks straight from the fairyland.
It snows in Kashmir in December. And the snowfall continues until March. You can see snowfall in all the regions here in the December month. Make sure you plan your tour for December if you want to enjoy the snowfall.
You must pack all the warm clothes for your December trip to Kashmir. Take the woolen thermals, fleece, feather jacket, gloves, woolen cap, and snowshoes along with you for your trip. The warm clothes are essential for this month to enjoy the trip without falling sick or feeling cold.
December is the start of the year for snow activities like Skiing and Snowboarding. Enjoy the training of these famous winter sports activities on the snowy slopes of Gulmarg. You can enroll yourself in the ski courses that are held every year and also participate in the winter carnival.
Kashmir receives a lot of tourists. It is safe to travel to Kashmir in December. All the places are accessible. Snow is not that heavy to block the road to most of the tourist places like Gulmarg, Pahalgam, Srinagar, etc. There are no safety concerns in Kashmir for the December tour plans.
It is advisable to book your accommodations in advance, especially if you plan to visit popular tourist destinations. Many hotels and guesthouses may have limited availability during this season.
You can reach Kashmir by air, with Srinagar having the nearest airport. You can also consider traveling by road if road conditions are favourable but be prepared for cold weather and potential road closures.
While Dal Lake may partially freeze in December due to the cold weather, it is unlikely to be completely frozen. The famous houseboats on Dal Lake continue to operate during this season, offering a unique experience.
December is winter in Kashmir, and the weather is cold. Expect temperatures to drop significantly, with daytime temperatures ranging from 2°C to 7°C and nighttime temperatures often dropping below freezing.
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